Information and Communication Technologies

Do you find yourself curious about computers, the software or hardware? You might be the one in class who gets asked those technology questions when no one else seems to understand how to perform the task on the computer or cell phone. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is a broader term for Information Technology (IT), which refers to all communication technologies, including the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, computers, software, middleware, video-conferencing, social networking, and other media applications and services.
Computer Science
In a nutshell, computer science degrees deal with the theoretical foundations of information and computation, taking a scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications. Computation is defined as any type of calculation or use of computing technology that follows well-defined models (such as algorithms and protocols) in the practice of information processing (which in turn is defined as the use of these models to transform data in computers).
Computer science is considered by many of its practitioners to be a foundational science - one which makes other knowledge and achievements possible. The study of computer science involves systematically studying methodical processes (such as algorithms) in order to aid the acquisition, representation, processing, storage, communication of, and access to information. This is done by analyzing the feasibility, structure, expression and mechanization of these processes and how they relate to this information. In computer science, the term ‘information’ refers usually to information which is encoded in bits and bytes in computer memory.
If you graduate with a computer science degree, you will have gained many technical and non-technical skills which are highly valued by employers, from leadership to programming. The increasing scope of computer science means you have plenty of choice in a wide variety of highly specialized areas. Many who study in this area seek a job working in IT and eventually specialize in data science, game design, IT security, database and network design or other IT specializations.
Computer technologies are integral to modern life, so you’re likely to find your computer science skills in high demand across many different industries. These include financial organizations, management consultancy firms, software houses, communications companies, data warehouses, multinational companies, governmental agencies, universities and hospitals.
Database and Network Design Administration
Systems administrators are responsible for maintaining system efficiency. They ensure that the design of an organization’s computer system allows all of the components, including computers, the network, and software, to work properly together. Administrators also troubleshoot problems reported by users and by automated network monitoring systems and make recommendations for future system upgrades. Many of these workers are also responsible for maintaining network and system security.
Database administrators work with database management software and determine ways to store, organize, analyze, use, and present data. They identify user needs and set up new computer databases. In many cases, database administrators must integrate data from old systems into a new system. They also test and coordinate modifications to the system when needed and troubleshoot problems when they occur. An organization’s database administrator ensures the performance of the system, understands the platform on which the database runs, and adds new users to the system. Because many databases are connected to the Internet, database administrators also must plan and coordinate security measures with network administrators. Some database administrators may also be responsible for database design, but this task is usually performed by database designers or database analysts.
Software and Applications Development and Analysis
Computer information systems is the application of technology in managing the needs of businesses, so you'll get to put your technical skills to work in a business setting. Students in the computer information Systems major learn how to work with companies' IT systems to solve operations issues.
Computer information systems is the application of technology in managing the needs of businesses, so you’ll get to put your technical skills to work in a business setting. Students in the computer information Systems major learn how to work with companies’ IT systems to solve operations issues.
A Computer Information Systems degree is similar to a degree in Information Technology, but covers a broader spectrum of topics, including business. You’ll have the flexibility to work for businesses in any industry or geographical region. That's good news if you’re trying to decide between a degree in business and a cis degree, since you may be able to choose both. A cis degree teaches students how to apply their technology knowledge to tasks they may face in the business world.
Software development is the process programmers use to build computer programs. The process, also known as the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), includes several phases that provide a method for building products that meet technical specifications and user requirements.
Most hiring managers expect software engineers to have a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Computer Programming, Software Development, Mathematics or a similar field. Some software engineers can gain employment with a high school diploma and relevant experience. Some companies may require a master’s degree in computer science or a related subject. This level of education can expand your employment options and increase your earning potential. A doctorate may be necessary if you want to work in research.
A range of experience is useful in areas such as hardware, operating systems, or software and if possible, you should tailor your experience to suit the career you'd like. You could create a skills portfolio to showcase your artistic work or your ability to code in programming languages as well as specific software tools you can use.
A software engineering degree sets you up with technical IT skills that can be used in various IT and web-based careers from applications developer to web designer. Some of your job options may include applications developer, cyber security analyst, game developer, information systems manager, IT consultant, web developer, and software engineer.