For Career Advisors

For Career Advisors

Growmon app helps secondary and high school students to make the best possible decision regarding their future career and study pathway based on their talents, strengths, interests and other important personality traits. But we know that even the top-notch tool can’t ever replace face to face career counselling and the value career advisors bring to the process.

That’s why we designed Growmon in the way its outputs can be perfectly used in career counseling in schools or anywhere else. We believe that combining Growmon outputs with personal consultation can bring enormous help to young people when making one of the most important decision of their life. To make it even easier, we've put together Growmon Academy - a simple online course that will introduce Growmon, explain methods it's based on and show how you can easily use it to improve the career counselling process.

1 000+

schools are already
using Growmon

30 000+

students already
filled test

95 %

of students trust

Join more than 1,000 career advisors and learn how you can leverage Growmon in your practise. It’s free.